Monday, November 14, 2011

Pride and Prejudice Quotes of the Night

Betsy: I read 20 pages.
Kayla: We’re talking about the book anyway, according to the rules.

Karla: I think it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man possessed of a good fortune must be in want of a really big TV…
Kayla: …and a gaming system.

Kayla: Jane Austen ruined my chances of getting married.
Betsy: I’m not going to give her that much credit.  I think I was pretty well screwed up before I read Pride and Prejudice.

Betsy: We never did get our token male.
Karla: We would have been fighting over him.
Katie: It’s a lot easier when one of us is getting back together with our ex-husband, one of us is a lesbian, and the other isn’t looking.

Betsy: (Talking about picture poses.)  We could look coyly over our shoulders.

Betsy: Make sure you have excellent posture.

Katie: I was trying to look amiable.

Karla: You took a picture of me?
Katie: Did you not see the flash?

Kayla: You came in and said we needed to take the picture because your hair was fading fast.

Kayla: And she seeks justice… for the children of Uganda.

Betsy: Dirty, rotten scumbags.  (In response to “Women fancy admiration means more than it does.  And men take care that they should.”)

Kayla: What did you all think…? I mean just Katie, because you’re the only one who read it.

Kayla: I’ll probably be blessed with five girls like Mrs. Bennett.
Katie: And they’ll all be out at once!

Katie: The books look much better at the end of the evening than we do.


  1. Ohhhh, girls! I am so glad we are collecting those!!! But can I just point out that the 4th stanza (Betsy, Karla, Katie) is REALLY misleading! Did you read that??? Whoa!

  2. Ooops...If you have seen the movie "The Jane Austen Book Club" it makes perfect sense!
