Monday, August 22, 2011


I have literally been sitting here for the better part of a half an hour typing and then backspacing. Typing. Backspacing. Typing. Backspacing. Typing. Backspacing.

I could write on Emma, all 81 pages I have read so far. I could tell you that she annoys me more than I remember. She is manipulative. She is cunning and conniving. And I really hope that I'm not like Harriet.

But more than Emma, or Jane Austen, I am excited to dive head first into this book club. Because for one year we will not just be immersed in books, but each other's lives. The good. The bad. The ugly. Perhaps, it will be a little like all of those dinner parties the Woodhouses seem to have.

So here's to one year of Jane Austen and her sometimes less than tolerable heroines!


(And can I say that I cannot wait to bring drinks to a gathering...I have a great recipe for crockpot pumpkin spice lattes?) 


  1. Mmmm I can almost smell those pumpkin spice lattes right now... what could be better than that? I really like what you said about us investing in each other's lives, Kayla; very well written. ...I better get started reading that book.

  2. Love your post, Kayla!
    I am also excited to be "immersed" in each others' lives- more so than Jane Austen. I think that we could read anything and have great conversations...Dr. Seuss...Babysitters' Club...Real Simple Magazine...but honestly I am really glad that we picked Jane :)
